How to make money online

There are a lot of ways to earn money online. The internet is like a bank, whose vault is open for those who knows how earn. Today I am going to tell you how you can open this vault for yourself. Lets see how can you do this,

1) Blogging

A blog is a type of website in which you share some type of information with the users. The Article you are reading now is also on a blog. Now you may ask that how can you earn money through this, so the answer is, you can show advertisement in your blog through companies like Google, Bing, Infolinks etc. You can also affiliate your blog/website with different companies. These companies will give you a specific percentage of their profit, if you manage to provide them online buyers.

So Where can I start Blogging..??

To start blogging, Google Blogger(sign up) and Wordpress (Sign up) is the best place for this. Make a blog and write some good content, after this place ads on your blog. There are many companies which offer you to place adds on your blog, these includes Google Adsenceinfolinkschitaka etc.
In my opinion Google blogger is best because it provides a lot of services like Google Adsence, Analytic Webmaster tools etc. You can start earning within a month if you can write good content and you can apply SEO techniques. Wordpress is also good for blogging if you are a bit familiar with blogging already.

2) Youtube

Surprised..!! Yes you can earn from your youtube videos. Make a few bunch of good videos and monetize it with Google Adsence. Register for Google adsence, and start posting adds on your youtube videos. Youtube will give you a percentage of money from their profit.

3) Bit Coins 

Bit coin (crypto currency) is a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. You will be amazed to know that 1 Bitcoin = 374$  (at time of posting). This value is subjected to change, each minute.
Bit coin is further divided into small fraction, known as Satoshi. 1 Satoshi = 0.00000001.

How can I earn money from Bitcoins.??  
There are many ways to earn satoshi/Bitcoin. You can earn satoshi by working for someone on internet, from sites, trading and gambeling etc. The most easy thing is to earn from Bitcoin related Websites. For this you will need a bit coin wallet first. You can make one here at Blockchain Wallet or FaucetBox Wallet. An email of confermation along with Address will be sent to you  After getting your wallet visit here @ FaucetBox List. Here you will find a list of website, Visit any website, enter address in address field, verify yourself as 'human' and click claim. That is how you will earn bit coins.
If you want to multiple your bit coin, visit here @ Freebitco.