OpenCV is an open source C++ and python library for image processing
and computer vision, developed by Intel. It was officially launched in 1999. It supports multi core processing, OpenCV was designed for computational
efficiency and with a strong focus on real-time applications.
The OpenCV library has more than 2500 optimized algorithms with thousands of functions. These functions can be used to detect, track classify and recognize different objects like human face, vehicles etc. In addition to these core functionalities, OpenCV also contains other modules like machine learning
algorithms that can analyze and predict visual patterns and the HighGUI module
provides user interface elements as well as functions for storing and accessing
video and image files.
OpenCV is very easily interfaced with other programs. It can be used on many operating systems like Microsoft Windows, Ubuntu and Mac.
Companies like Google, Sony, Toyota, nVIDIA and Intel are using these libraries for their own projects like,
1) Automated surveillance and inspection
2) Street view image stitching
3) Robot and driver-less car navigation and control
4) Medical image analysis (Brain MRI)
5) Video/image search and retrieval
6) Movies - 3D structure from motion
7) Security Projects
Different version of OpenCV are available and are free to download from Here.
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